Monday, 9 May 2011

9th May 2011

‘In translating the Bible, Tyndale introduced new words into the English language, and many were subsequently used in the King James Bible:
Jehovah (from a transliterated Hebrew construction in the Old Testament; composed from the Tetragrammaton YHWH)
Passover (as the name for the Jewish holiday, Pesach or Pesah)
Atonement (which goes beyond mere "reconciliation" to mean "to unite" or "to cover", which springs from the Hebrew kippur, the Old Testament version of kippur being the covering of doorposts with blood, or "Day of Atonement")
Scapegoat (the goat that bears the sins and iniquities of the people in Leviticus, Chapter 16) From Daniell, David (1994) William Tyndale: a biography. New Haven & London: Yale University Press

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